
Scala Programming Essentials for Apache Spark and Big Data Processing

Get INSTANT access to the "Scala Programming Essentials for Apache Spark and Big Data Processing" including

  • A detailed overview of the Scala language and its syntax 
  • An in-depth look at the key concepts of functional programming and object-oriented programming
  • Hands-on experience with the Scala tools necessary for large-scale data processing applications
  • An introduction to Apache Spark and how it interacts with Scala
  • The ability to write increasingly complex programs using Scala
  • An understanding of recursion, functions vs. methods, anonymous functions, map and filter operations, error handling, for/while looping structures, and more!

Disclaimer: This course is intended for learners who would like a basic introduction to the Scala programming language. While some knowledge of software programming is recommended, it is not mandatory as this course covers the fundamentals.