Mastering 7 Essential Data Encoding Techniques in Machine Learning

data science Nov 26, 2023
thumbnail image for 7 Data Encoding Techniques blog from BigDataElearning

 Ever scratched your head, staring at a dataset filled with names, or labels, wondering how machine learning algorithms makes sense of it all? 

You're not alone. 

Data encoding techniques come to the rescue in such situations, acting as a bridge between human-readable data and machine-learnable data. 

In today's deep dive, we're exploring different encoding techniques in machine learning, each with its pros and cons.

So, if you’re looking to expand your data science knowledge and further your career or education, stay tuned! This article from BigData ELearning covers the data encoding basics you need to know.

Before we dive into different encoding techniques, let's quickly look into what encoding means, its role, and when to use it. So we will look into the following topics

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What Is Encoding in Machine Learning?

Have you ever witnessed a magician's feat where a simple stick transforms into a graceful sparrow? 

Now, picture the same act of turning a “word” into a “numeric” representation that machine learning algorithms can understand and act upon. 

It's truly fascinating, isn't it? 

This is precisely the magic of encoding, which by handling categorical data in machine learning translates them into numerical values.

Why is this transformation necessary, you ask? 

Well, machine learning models are a lot like calculators. 

They're phenomenal with numbers but not very good at understanding text like you :-)

The Role of Encoding

  1. Data Preprocessing: Consider encoding as part of your preprocessing steps, right up there with data cleaning and normalization. It ensures that you're feeding data into the model that it can digest and learn from effectively.

  2. Data Interpretability: Encoding bridges the gap between human language and machine understanding. Just like the Rosetta Stone helped scholars interpret ancient languages, encoding helps your model decipher words and phrases like 'yes', 'no', 'apple', or 'orange'.

  3. Optimal Performance: Not using appropriate encoding techniques can be like fitting a square peg in a round hole. The algorithms may not converge or might take forever to compute, reducing the efficiency of your model significantly.

Now, let's look at some scenarios when you actually need to use encoding.

When To Use Encoding?

Wondering when it's the right time to employ data encoding techniques

Well, imagine you're cooking up a storm in the kitchen, and suddenly you realize you're missing a key ingredient — say, sugar. 

You can't just throw in salt and expect a delicious dessert, can you? 

Similarly, when your dataset is filled with textual or categorical data like country names, genders, product categories, etc., you need encoding to convert these into a 'language' your machine learning model can understand.

Here are some typical use cases where encoding is indispensable:

  1. Categorical Variables: If your dataset has columns labeled as 'country' or 'color,' that's your cue to deploy encoding techniques.

  2. Text-Based Data: If you're delving into Natural Language Processing (NLP), encoding is non-negotiable.

  3. High Dimensionality: Sometimes, your data might have hundreds of categories under a single attribute. Encoding can help condense these into a more manageable form.
  4. Hybrid Datasets: Often, you might find numerical and categorical data coexisting in a dataset. Encoding harmonizes these different elements into a single format that your machine-learning model can work with effortlessly.

  5. Real-world Applications: Whether you're working on churn prediction in telecom, customer segmentation in retail, or diagnosing diseases from medical records, encoding is your key to unlocking the power of machine learning in these applications.

Up next, we'll learn about some specific data encoding techniques and explore their pros and cons to help you make informed decisions about how to use each one.

7 Types of Data Encoding Techniques in Machine Learning

Here are the seven data encoding techniques you should know:


What Is One-Hot Encoding?

Think of One-Hot Encoding like a light switch. You either turn it on (1) or off (0). This technique creates a binary column for each category in your dataset. 

For example, if you have a list of fruits — apple, orange, and banana — One-Hot Encoding would create separate columns for each fruit. 

Notice in below image, that it places ‘1’ for the corresponding column and for all other columns it would place a ‘0’.

So when the categorical value is ‘Apple’ for a record, it would place ‘0’ for that column and for all other columns it would place ‘0’.

So, in the below example, for an 'apple,' you'd have [1, 0, 0], and for a 'banana,' you'd have [0, 0, 1].


  • Simple and Intuitive: Even someone new to machine learning can grasp it easily.

  • No Misinterpretation: The model won't misunderstand the data as it eliminates the ordinal relationship.


  • Data Explosion: Imagine having 50 different fruits. You'd end up with 50 columns, right?

  • Memory Drain: With high cardinality, your machine could run out of memory, right? 

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What Is Label Encoding?

If One-Hot Encoding is a light switch, think of Label Encoding as a dimmer. This more nuanced technique assigns a unique integer to each category. 

In a list containing 'red,' 'green,' and 'blue,' these could be turned into 0, 1, and 2. While you might see 'red,' the machine sees '0,' but unlike One-Hot Encoding, it saves these in a single column.


  • Memory-Efficient: Good for large datasets with many categories, as there is only one additional column.

  • Quick Implementation: This can be done in a line of code using libraries like scikit-learn.


  • Ordinal Risk: The model might assume an unintended ordinal relationship, thinking 2 (blue) is 'greater than' 0 (red).

  • Algorithm Bias: Some machine learning models may make false assumptions based on these numbers.

What Is Binary Encoding?

Imagine Label Encoding and One-Hot Encoding had a baby: that would be Binary Encoding. 

This technique is a hybrid, taking the best of both worlds. It starts by assigning unique integers to each category like Label Encoding. Then, these integers are converted into binary code.


  • Memory Saver: Much less memory-intensive compared to One-Hot Encoding for high cardinality data.

  • Complex Yet Efficient: Though it adds some complexity, it strikes a good balance between memory and computational efficiency.


  • Confusing: The binary representation can be challenging to interpret at a glance.

  • Computational Cost: The binary conversion step can be CPU-intensive.

What Is Ordinary Encoding?

If your category requires a 'ranking' system of encoding, then Ordinal Encoding is the star player. 

For e.g. if you have ordinal data like 'low,' 'medium,' and 'high,' ordinal encoding assigns integers based on the inherent order of categories.


  • Maintains Order: If your categories have an intrinsic order, this technique respects that.

  • Simple but Effective: Like Label Encoding but smarter for ordinal data.


  • Not for Nominal Data: Using it on non-ordinal data can confuse your model, because it thinks certain categories need to be given more weightage.

  • Algorithm Bias: Just like Label Encoding, it may mislead algorithms into thinking there is a high degree of ordinality.

Before you get encoding fatigue, let's check out Target Encoding.

What Is Target Encoding?

Target Encoding is like a chameleon, which, of course, changes its colors in accord with its surroundings. 

Here, categories are replaced with the mean of the “target” variable for that category. 

Let’s take an example where we have rows with 3 categories, “A”, “B”, & “C”. Let’s say you want to encode this categorical variable “Category”. Some rows are marked as fraud “1”. Some rows are marked as non-fraud “0”.

Let’s see how each category gets “target encoded” value based on the target variable “Fraud”.

For the category “A” there are 2 rows. Since 2 out of 2 “A” rows are “fraud”, it gets a “target encoded value” of 1.

For Category “B”, there are 2 rows. Since 1 out of 2 “B” rows are fraud, it gets a target encoded value of 0.5.

For “C” category there is 1 row. Since none of the “C” row are fraud, it gets a target encoded value of 0.


  • Incorporates Target Variable: Adds a layer of predictive power to your model.

  • Ensemble-Friendly: Often used in ensemble learning methods like Random Forest.  


  • Overfitting Risks: If not done correctly, the model might perform exceptionally well on the training data but poorly on unseen data.

  • Sensitive to Outliers: A single anomalous data point can skew the means.

Almost there! Let's go through Frequency Encoding and TF-IDF Encoding.

What Is Frequency Encoding?

Frequency Encoding turns the volume up or down based on how often a category appears in the dataset. Categories get replaced with their frequency or proportion. It's like the 'trending section' for your data.


  • Useful for High-Frequency Categories: Such as 'most-viewed movies'.

  • Memory Efficient: Does not expand the feature space.


  • Loss of Nuance: Uncommon categories may lose their distinguishing features.

  • Risk of Collinearity: Different categories with the same frequency will have the same encoding. 

What Is TF-IDF Encoding?

Ideal for text data, TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) gives weight to how relevant a term is in a dataset against the backdrop of all documents. It's like saying, "Sure, the word 'is' appears a lot, but it's not as impactful as the word 'malfeasance.'"


  • Nuanced Text Analysis: Provides a weighted approach for text data.

  • NLP Powerhouse: Often used in document retrieval, information retrieval, and text mining.


  • Not for Small Datasets: Less effective when the dataset lacks substantial text.

  • Computational Costs: Like Binary Encoding, TF-IDF can be CPU-intensive.

What Is the Best Encoding Technique?

Determining the optimal encoding techniques for your dataset is akin to choosing the right brush for a painting. 

The texture of the canvas (your data), the kind of artwork you're creating (your machine learning problem), and your medium (the model algorithm) will all influence your choice.

Take a look at some factors to consider when choosing the right technique:

  1. Type of Data: Nominal data (like colors or countries) is best suited for methods like One-Hot or Frequency Encoding. Ordinal data, which has inherent order (like rankings), should use Ordinal Encoding.

  2. Cardinality: For low cardinality, One-Hot Encoding works well. However, for high cardinality, methods like Binary or Frequency Encoding could be more effective to save computational power.

  3. Model Complexity: Simple models like Linear Regression can benefit from more complex encoding like Target or TF-IDF Encoding. More complex models like Random Forests or Neural Networks might do well even with simpler encoding methods.

  4. Avoiding Overfitting: Be cautious with methods like Target Encoding, which can lead to data leakage and overfitting if not properly validated.

  5. Computational Resources: If you are limited by computational resources, it may be better to opt for less memory-intensive encoding methods.

  6. Business Context: Sometimes, the business problem itself will guide the encoding method. For instance, in credit scoring, the ordinal nature of credit ratings makes Ordinal Encoding a natural fit.
  7. Iterative Testing: Always try multiple encoding techniques and cross-validate their performance. It's not uncommon for a less obvious encoding method to yield better results.

Yes, it takes some due diligence in order to choose the most ideal technique, but by doing so, you can tailor your encoding strategy to meet the unique needs of your data and modeling objectives.

Real-world Examples of Encoding

So, we've talked a lot about data encoding techniques, but how do they function in the real world? 

Let's look at a few different industries to see how they employ these encoding methods in practice:

E-commerce Platforms

Product recommendations in e-commerce platforms often involve complex algorithms that consider a myriad of factors. 

Here, One-Hot Encoding is frequently used for categorizing product types. 


Because it's crucial for the model to differentiate between a "laptop" and a "smartphone" without assuming any ordinal relationship. Each category turns into a binary vector, making it easier for the model to cluster similar items.

Finance Sectors

In the world of finance, risk assessment is a critical task. Label Encoding finds extensive application here, especially when grading creditworthiness. 

Each risk category (like 'low risk,' 'medium risk,' and 'high risk') is assigned a numerical value, making it easier for machine learning models to perform binary or multi-class classification. 

However, since these are ordinal categories, sometimes Ordinal Encoding is used to preserve the intrinsic order of risk levels.

Search Engines

The underlying algorithms powering search engines like Google and Bing often employ TF-IDF Encoding. This encoding method is vital for weighing the relevance of words in documents, thereby helping to rank web pages in search results. 

By calculating the frequency of each term in the context of the entire data corpus, TF-IDF Encoding can prioritize words that are genuinely meaningful in a specific document relative to the broader database.


As we finish, it's clear that encoding is like the Rosetta Stone of machine learning, helping us translate different types of data into a language algorithms can understand.

Encoding Basics : We started by explaining encoding as a magical transformation of words into numerical representations.

Benefits of Encoding : Next we explored how encoding is a crucial step in data preprocessing, along with data cleaning and normalization.

When to Use Encoding: Next we highlighted situations where encoding is essential, such as dealing with categorical variables, text data in NLP, or managing high-dimensional datasets.

Types of Encoding:

  • One-Hot Encoding:
    • Described it as creating binary columns for each category in a dataset, making it easy for machine learning models.
  • Label Encoding:
    • Compared it to a dimmer switch, assigning unique integers to categories in a single column.
  • Binary Encoding:
    • Introduced this as a hybrid method combining advantages of One-Hot and Label Encoding.
  • Ordinal Encoding:
    • Compared this to a 'ranking' system, suitable for ordered categories.
  • Target Encoding:
    • Replaces categories with the mean of the target variable for each category.
  • Frequency Encoding:
    • Likened to a 'trending section' for data, focusing on category frequency.
  • TF-IDF Encoding:
    • Introduced as effective for text analysis, assigning weight to term relevance.

Considerations for Choosing Encoding Techniques: Explored factors like data type, cardinality, model complexity, computational resources, business context, and iterative testing when choosing encoding techniques.

Real-world Applications: Explored instances where encoding is vital:

  • In e-commerce, One-Hot Encoding helps in precise product categorization.
  • In finance, Label and Ordinal Encoding assist in risk assessment for creditworthiness grading.
  • In search engines, TF-IDF Encoding enhances search relevance by ranking web pages based on term frequencies. 

Question For You

Which of the following data encoding techniques is most suitable for high cardinality categories?

  1. A) One-Hot Encoding
  2. B) Label Encoding
  3. C) Binary Encoding
  4. D) Frequency Encoding

 Let me know in the comments!

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